I joined a gym last night.
They saw me coming! I hope it helps. They seem very friendly and I know a couple of guys who go there and really like it. They're open 24 hours during the week and I'm a big early bird. That gets it done for the day for me and I avoid all (at least most) of the factors about gyms that I try to stay away from. Crowds, the beautiful people, the grunters/yellers and the old folks who do a circuit so fast I feel like I can hear the song "Flight of the Bumblebee" playing in the background.
I go in for a fitness profile Friday morning. It was free with membership or else I wouldn't worry about it. I'm not going to pay for a guy to say "yeah, you're fat, go workout!" I get that for free walking down the street at market days. (ba dum bum!)
Wish me luck! I am going to go in tomorrow morning to use the treadmill since it's friggin' 36 degrees in Chicago right now!